Minecraft Cool Roof Designs. Have a bar area, garage with a car, snooker pool Also, another pool on the roof of that mansion. Wikipedia provides additional information and diagrams here, and from that page there are links to other articles with lots more reference images.
Minecraft Progress #1 | lilrave420 (Glen Vasquez)
After that place any block on the inside of the stairs. I used a chart while I was building, but wanted to be able to make variable size ovals which is something I couldn't find a decent chart of or generator capable of, so I created this! On one wall, outside the stone brick, make this design (look at picture!) This house is really great for starters in Minecraft but I do think that you could make a version of this house for other builders that aren't starters.
This Minecraft building style is easy to learn as most buildings are constructed with stone walls and wooden frames or roofs.
Cool features, I agree you may want to add some steps for the roofing.
Minecraft | Roof Designs | Part One - Gothic! | Tutorial ...
I finally had inspiration to build it: my first japanese ...
Stone Roof Medieval House 1 - GrabCraft - Your number one ...
Roof Ideas Minecraft & ... Hard To Build Without Creative ...
More minecraft build school today where we go over roofs again - a thing that people often struggle with but is incredibly important. Learn to build easy medieval and modern Minecraft house designs. Terraces may be large or small, covered or open, or a mixture of the two.