Mojang Acquisition. And by small, I mean in their perspective. Note: we'll still use this blog for any Mojang news that's not relevant to Minecraft.
Mojang Unchained: Why Microsoft wants Minecraft maker ... (Vera Cruz)
Microsoft acquires popular game developer Mojang. If you are having difficulty running a game purchased through Mojang, please visit our list of community and technical resources. So this week I talk about Microsoft reportedly buying Mojang, who made Minecraft.
Problems with Minecraft or a Mojang account?
People familiar with the company's plans say Microsoft.
Microsoft confirms acquisition of Minecraft studio Mojang
Roblox Blog - Page 38 of 184 - All the latest news direct ...
Microsoft Close To Acquiring Minecraft-Developer Mojang AB ...
Minecraft News NOTCH LEAVES MOJANG & Microsoft Own ...
Microsoft to acquire 'Minecraft' maker Mojang for $2.5B
4 years since Minecraft/Mojang’s Acquisition by Microsoft ...
Microsoft and Minecraft: Frenemies No More?
Microsoft confirms acquisition of Minecraft/Mojang for $2 ...
Press releases for many investment and acquisition announcements are available online. After announced the acquisition of the Minecraft developer in September, Microsoft has officially closed the deal on acquiring indie developer Mojang. The acquisition hasn't changed much about the company.