Mojang Jeb. Mojang is pronounced like moyang or mojang, who knows it right? Search results for "mojang team". advertisement.
Contribute to minecrafter/mojang-api development by creating an account on GitHub. mojang-api is a simple wrapper around the Mojang API.
Note: we'll still use this blog for any Mojang news that's not relevant to Minecraft.
He is responsible for all recent updates and releases. Jens Bergensten (also known as jeb_) is an employee of Mojang Studios, and the lead developer of Minecraft. In Swedish, Js are pronounced as Ys but Notch himself says that Mojang is said. #minecraft #mojang #mojang ab #dinnerbone #nathan adams #jeb #jens bergensten #michael stoyke #searge #maria lemon #markus persson #notch #mojang specifications #games #video games.