Mojang Scrolls. Scrolls, Mojang's collectible card/strategy game, is no more. Scrolls takes place in a world where the essence of conflict is stored on a parchment.
Mojang reveals when Scrolls will get out of beta – Load ... (Viola Nguyen)
If you are expecting Minecraft but with cards, you would be wrong. Scrolls takes place in a world where the essence of conflict is stored on a parchment. Either way, it's still the same game you've known and loved.
Perhaps we just didn't like the sound of "Scrolls".
You use the power of creatures, spells, and ancient machines to gain the edge in battle, deploying your forces by using scrolls: some rare, some common, some brutal, some tactical.
[FR] Scrolls (Mojang) : les derniers duels avant la fin du ...
Mojang Ends Development of Online Card Game ‘Scrolls ...
Minecraft maker Mojang releases Scrolls for Mac
Mojang can't use 'Scrolls' in any sequels to 'Scrolls ...
Mojang’s New Title ‘Scrolls’ to be Released In November ...
First Look At Scrolls Part 01 - Peadee Games - Mojang's ...
Mojang’s New Game Scrolls has a Teaser Trailer | GotGame
Minecraft maker Mojang releases Scrolls for Mac
Mojang card game 'Scrolls' reborn as 'Caller's Bane'
Either way, it's still the same game you've known and loved. Scrolls, Mojang's collectible card/strategy game, is no more. If you are expecting Minecraft but with cards, you would be wrong.