Minecraft Drawbridge Design. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. medieval, draw bridge, drawbridge, defensive structure, medieval drawbridge. This device can send blocks in any direction, depending on the orientation it was placed in.
Just power it with Redstone and put some blocks in its inventory.
Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. medieval, draw bridge, drawbridge, defensive structure, medieval drawbridge.
Drawbridges is a reinterpretation of Tinkers' Mechworks Drawbridges, which adds a special block that, when a Redstone signal is sent to it, begins to expose the blocks loaded into it. This device can send blocks in any direction, depending on the orientation it was placed in. It is activated with a redstone current and deactivated by taking away the redstone current.